I'm talking about men out there. Women find bald men hot. Women find men hiding or running from being bald and hot - NOT!

Take Brett Michaels. There was a lot of talk about what Brett

Here is a gorgeous, and yes talented man who hides behind hats and bandana's. He's got the rocker look for sure. However he doesn't put it out there for all to see.
The burning question for many is.... 'Just what is under Brett's hat?"
I took this burning question and went to the NET, thanks to Google images, for my quest for alternatives to Brett's current look.
The swashbuckler's look doesn't just have to be for Captain Jack Sparrow. A bit of Color and well thats it. I think Brett or any aging HOT (yes hot but in need of help) rocker would appreciate the peacocking of beads to get the ladies attention. Just a thought but.... Do you think the members of Warrant now shake their heads in shame and shudder a little about "She's only 17..."

Just add a jaunty bandana and its off to the screaming crowds for autographs and beer (of which order is totally up to the aging rocker.)

If the 70s pornstar, Welcome Back Carter, or Barney Miller look makes a come back the aging rockstar will be ready with this Borat influenced rendition. Pornstach can be grown for more authenticity.

Willie is busy helping out good pal Owen Wilson right now but he's always ready to help a farmer, so why not an aging rockstar. When (enter aging rockstar name here) is doing the single senior dwelling park club tours in a few years, he can keep his 'do' tidy with this ready made Golden locks a braided look. Thanks for taking that off my mind.

Joking aside. Bald is beautiful. If Brett does have something he's not sharing with the world that is his business. Women love him. The fans love him.
I just prefer this .....

as hot.

.....there are some exceptions I guess.
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