Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ponderings from Have you ever

Someone sent me that never ending have you ever quiz on facebook and I got a little OCD and answered most of the questions. I just wish there could have been space to comment... I live for commenting on crap.

So here goes Have You ever explanations Part 1. Why bore you to tears with all at once...

I have.... made out with a bad kisser.
His name was HG, totally cool guy that I dated in the 11th grade. We all hung out in a group and kinda fell into dating. No chemistry other than he made me laugh all the time, introduced me to some very cool techno music from Germany. I still think of him the minute I hear Da Da Da. We moved the no chemistry thing and remained friends. Through the college years we lost touch but I met up with him and another old very good friend from that group and they were married and had a couple of kids... she taught him how to kiss. Girls love projects.

I have... performed a sexual act while parents are in the next room.
This is an aphrodisiac for my husband at the cottage. Hot stuff even over 30.

I haven't... wished I was a Disney princess.
I always have identified with the villain. Sweet people can tend to make me wish for their demise. I did however think it wI haven't ould be kinda cool to be Mowgli.

I haven't... had a serious relationship with an animal.
Where do these questions come from. I could make national slurrs about goat herders but I refrain. I have had serious platonic long term relationships with my pets. My cats allow me to sleep on their bed, watch their tv as long as its on their terms. Its a reverse co-dependent relationship.

I have...smelt my armpits for BO.
Doesn't everyone do the smell test.

I haven't... gotten mad at the poor grammar on LOL Cats.
Mad is such a strong sentiment. I feel pity at our youth's diction... Dickens they are not but then the pics are pretty darn cute so its more of an eye roll.

I have... fantasized about someone else during sex.
The shoe salesperson, Antonio Banderas but just that one time, anything to get the juices flowing works for me.

I haven't.... fantasized about getting nasty with a FB friend.
Well that is a bit of a fib. Some of my old male friends on there were at one time old crushes that turned into great friendships instead (thank goodness because I don't keep exes in the picture once something is done... they are ex for a reason.).

I haven't.... mooned someone.
However being stupid teenagers at one time or another a male friend would offer up his fullmoon in a drunken bid to be funny and I had my trusty Kodak disc camera handy. I have two such photos that I really should pass along to their owners. I mean really what do I need them for... blackmail, surely not..... The downside to this is having your 12 year old daughter bring one of these carefully stashed photos out into plain view and ask why one has a photo of someone in that state who is not Daddy. Luckily the picture does not have the friends face in view because she knows the person. That would be tense... embarrassing and well amusing.

I havent' ....wanted this tongue.
Why when creating these questions would someone do this. Its not Gene Simmons tongue theirfore I do not want that other tongue and really lets face it. I don't want 'that' tongue, I just want it used on me.

I haven't... made out with my own fist???
What the...! Are people actually serious. I guess if you want some eye balls and lips like you did in highschool to amuse your friends there is a possibility to go a bit to far but really. Kids these days.

I have... had a crushon/dated a nerd.
I married him.