Monday, April 14, 2008

Very bad birthday gift for OCD sufferer

Why would anyone want this door chain maze?

I'm all for games but this is crazy. Imagine knocking at the door and hearing just a minute!





oh crap wrong way...sorry sorry just a minute this stupid lock was a wedding gift.




The door finally opens and surprise its those early Saturday morning booklet people wanting to share the word....

I would have a word for them and the person that gave me this monstrosity.

I am in no means being cruel about someone who suffers for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I have a friend who's son suffers from this horribly debilitating condition. Its all about rituals and number of progressions to ensure security. This child who makes sure the door is locked 5 times at exactly 10pm would be in tears.

Its a conversation piece for sure but again... I think a dude created this concept.

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