I came across this and got a kick out of the concept.
You've done everything you need to do to drop that 150lb monkey off your back.
Hired a lawyer...... check
Boxed up the crap and had it shipped to insignificant other..... check.
Settled the assets..... check (if by burned their half at a lovely bonfire after the yardsale was complete then yes)
Stocked up on booze for divorce party....check.
Ordered ring coffin for burial....check
Had the plaque engraved for every memorializing that "never again' moment.....check

Mass entails 50 of your closest friends and loved ones supplied with margaritas and dollar store plastic flower lei's.
Burial plot - under the doghouse.
That feeling of satisfaction....priceless.
I support marriage but when they do go wrong, and I mean really wrong - this is a cute way to say good bye.
I got a real kick out of the plaque choices.

I'm quite partial to "Six Feet isn't deep enough!"
All this can be yours for $29.95 GREAT IDEA!
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