Its really starting to grind my gears. Its like that dating show The Bachelor. I would never degrade myself on television or for a man to pick me but the scenario is the same. It seems like there have been several mini dates for the Bachelor - The Director of Talent Management - to get to know some of the different personalities of the organization that he effects. He's been going around the country with his wingmen having mini dates with Managers and Administrators so that he can get a feel for what is the best relationship for the organization.
I've always been the type of person that hey "don't waste my time" if you like me we can click but if we don't gel I'm gone. I'm not a patient person when it comes to my life. I have my pension tied up in this place and 12 years of my time. I've given up playtime and sleep to make my part of the deal hmm along smoothly. Now its a trial cooling off period to see if we still like each other....
Basically I've been in limbo for almost 5 months. I don't even know if I should replace my BBQ right now because they are telling us its 'weeks' now to the big ROSE ceremony. Weeks could still mean months. There are 52 weeks in a year after all. At least there will be no more suffering of the don'

The sad thing is I really believe in what our organization does and I see why we need to streamline and restructure. I feel I play a valuable part in the day to day operations but who knows what the Grand Pubah thinks behind that giant curtain of smoke and mirrors.
Well until I know what is to be my future I am open to suggestions for a career change. I've been mulling over a few ideas myself. I'll save that for another post though.
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