Birth place - Ardbeg Canada. Relative names - Rufus, Burley, Melville, Herman, Marcus, Samuel. Very stoic sounding names. I always chuckled over Ardbeg, the way the syllables rolled off my tongue as I said it.
As my world expanded so did the list of names out there that I have been fortunate enough not to have cheques printed up with these addresses.
Flushing, NY
French Lick, Indiana
Blue Balls, Pennsylvania
Tittybong, Australia
Climax, North Carolina
Bastard, ON
Dildo, Newfound Land
Sugar Tit, South Carolina
Cumming, Georgia
Kiester, Minnesota
Nimrod, Minnesota
Disco, Michigan
Fuk Man Road, Hong Kong China
Crackpot, UK
Cooter, Missouri
Tightwad, Missouri
Colon, Michigan
Noodle, Texas
Bippus, Indiana
Chicken, Alaska
Dick Lick Springs, Arkansas
Experiment, Georgia
Meat Cove, Nova Scotia
Nameless, Texas
Boring Maryland - think of National Lampoons Vegas Vacation with the Dam tour guide only now think of the poor tour guide in Boring. Now to be just a little bit more devilish - the tour guide has Ben Steins flat voice from Ferris Buellers Day off.
"Welcome to Boring Maryland. This is your Boring tour. On the left please note the Boring Playhouse where member of Boring purvey their Boring acting skills. Over here on the right you will find the Boring Court house and Boring jail where... you guessed it.... nothing happened." Talk about an uphill battle for job satisfaction for that poor duff.
The best one though is without a doubt

Fucking - Austria
Remember kids - safety first.
Come on down to the Fucking Festival.
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